Certified Specialists
Seasoned Professionals
Every part of the rubber manufacturing process requires a specific set of skills. Timbren has certified specialists with over 20 years’ experience handling rubber.
Choosing an appropriate type of rubber for certain projects requires a seasoned professional - someone with a thorough knowledge of each rubber compound.
The skill set of a seasoned professional demands far more than a college degree. It takes years of exposure to the common challenges that rubber manufacturers face every day.
Certified Specialists
Rubber lining and rubber moulding certification involves the proper use of industry tools. Only certified employees may operate Timbren’s delicate, software-driven machinery.
In order to remain ISO approved, Timbren Industries must invest time and money into proper training before an operator can begin the journey to become a certified operator.
Respect & Equality
Some projects require team work. Timbren encourages all its employees to establish the soft skills necessary for self-management and cooperation with other team members.
Timbren maintains an equal-opportunity policy in the workplace. All employees are treated fairly. Each are given the same chance to demonstrate a good attitude while dealing with superiors and subordinates alike.
Respect and equality go a long way to promote a better work environment, and the production of better products.